Best view of London
I can tell it’s going to be one of those weeks. Not a chance in hell I can recollect the events of the first part of the week. Probably got a better chance of writing my essay more knowledgeably than writing a blog on my week’s experience. I’ll give it a right ol’ go nonetheless.
In other news, my parents are now back from their excursion abroad in Malta, mayhem has now ensued and the revision is glacial to say the least. Oh well…
Also, I received a surprising email on Saturday; it was from the national magazine in Pakistan that was asking for some adjustments on the piece I submitted in late February. Take note, it is now mid April… luckily I made the tweaks and hopefully I will receive confirmation of publication by next week’s update. Although the journalistic side of myself has been suppressed due to intensive revision hopes and assignments lingering to no-end, the future is looking rather bright.
Let’s get on with it then, we both have places to be, people to see and lives to live (despite it being 23:13 on Easter Sunday)…
Yeah… should I just skip it? Do I remember anything. Feel like I’ve had a rather dull week except for a few days. Hmm…
Oh of course. I went to university to take my £9000 and shove it down the toilet. Another day rifled with procrastination but I once again satisfied my ego with social interactions that once again, couldn’t wait.
I met up with a friend who had escaped all communication for two weeks or so, have no idea where they had disappeared to. As if they had vanished. They had recently finished their dissertation and magically evaporated. Great to see them again, only a brief catch up but much required.
After that, I met up with my friend who was in the hospital the week before I went to Liverpool. Amazing to see a smile on their face, after a tough couple of weeks. A lengthy conversation later, I left for my aunt’s again.
The traditional Pakistani food wasn’t on the menu tonight, instead succulent chicken steaks, was delightful. Even better was the conversation again. Can’t wait to spend more time with the “mystery man” when they move into their new home later this year. Additionally, the trains weren’t cancelled so I could actually get home without forking out a Nando’s meal worth of money.
Did a lot of revision today. A lot of mind-numbingly boring reading. Productive nonetheless. Picked up the parents from Gatwick and that was that. Onto the next day…
Made a trip to university again today. But today, with a purpose. The decision was the actually plan a procrastination session. In the effort that I would work hard to be able to ‘earn’ it, although we all know that the procrastination would have happened anyway. I did one reading, where I wanted to do about 3. Solid Dan, well done.
The plan for the afternoon was to Boris Bike from Mile End to Island Gardens- tick. That went rather smoothly, my friend and I were quite shocked we didn’t get lost. We are geographers after all…
Thereafter, we took the Greenwich footpath under the Thames, which we both agreed would have been a tentative choice during night-time hours. Found Cutty Sark and I showed my friend the fruits of the South, their first time south of the river. Classic North London scum. Just joking, not all like that, just this friend is.
Found Greenwich market and I had a pizza pocket (which by the way, I’ve been lost with my entire life, 100% return visit) and my friend had empanadas from this Argentine and Chilean stall. We were both satisfied as we made our way to Greenwich park. Gathered some ice-cream afterwards and then trekked up towards the old Royal Observatory and the line of the Greenwich meridian.
Now… I’ve been to Parliament Hill which is the North London equivalent of Greenwich Park and everything looks so far away (mainly because it is). However, the view at Greenwich was truly breathtaking. It had been a good 7 years or so since I had been to that point and all the childhood memories of Greenwich Park started to flood back. Such as; eating macaroni cheese in the restaurant just up the road from the main entrance near Blackheath (coincidently where the start of the London Marathon is- more on that next week) as well as, nearly dying cycling down the steepest hill I think I’ve ever attempted to cycle down. Fell off the bike and into a tree. Standard Danial to be honest, only about 12 years ago now, still making awful life decisions.
Yep… bye
Got dragged into playing a golf competition at Rochester and Cobham Park Golf Club, first one in 6 months. It definitely wasn’t pretty. I’m not one of those people who gets agitated at golf, but I must have had some stored anger from revision or something. I was getting really steamed about small putts burning the edge and missing the fairway by a matter of milimetres. However, I finished 11th out of 70 odd people in my division. Can only be happy really.
Skip over the first part of the day. Let’s just say; work work work
Had a pre-birthday dinner for one of my friends, was nice to see some friends from school I hadn’t seen in ages. Good catch up as always, but I was shattered so I walked home while the rest of them went to the pub.
Day done
Easter Sunday, and I was in Richmond most of the day. The family decided an impromptu trip to Richmond Park was in order. Was a good day walking alongside the Thames from Ham to Teddington. After some lunch in Teddington, we walked back and that’s when we witnessed the deer.
Hoards of deer just congregating in one place. Unfortunately for the poor souls, crossing the road wasn’t as simple as the chicken in the old-school jokes. There’s a road that runs through the park and it’s frequented with visitors and the odd cyclist or two. Therefore, the efforts for the deer to cross the road proved troubling. They might have had to wait till 20:00 when the park closed. Hope there was no casualties in the process…
That’s it. I haven’t decided yet, but I might stop the blog after the 30th April till after exams. Weeks will become menial and pointless. Will decide and let you figure out if there has been a blog or not…
I’m out