It’s that time of the week again. I do love these blogs, as much as I don’t believe there is an audience out there. A time for my mind to wander and reminisce of the days past, it’s great if you ask me.
I say I love these blogs but I seemingly nearly forget to do them every week, a trend I can see continuing for months and hopefully years to come.
Wow, where do I begin with this week. It’s been a whirlwind and I couldn’t be more motivated after this week to deliver.
Monday evening brought a long-lost reunion with two very good friends who I hadn’t seen since before Christmas. They introduced me to a restaurant just outside uni called Greedy Cow. They specialise in burgers and steaks, and when I mean specialise in burgers, I really do mean specialise. They’ve got three exotic burgers; wild boar, kangaroo and camel. From the title, you can probably tell which one I had, it was amazing to say the least. As the daring and adventurous trio that we were, we decided to order the trio of exotic burgers. My friend who ordered the kangaroo, he was having nightmares, he was so hungry that he didn’t realise he was eating kangaroo meat (supposedly, I still don’t believe he can be so oblivious). His claim was that he thought that was the name of the burger, and not a reference to the type of meat, so he thought it tasted like beef. Possibly psychological? I won’t get into the friend who had the wild boar, think he took more photos then bites of the burger, you can read his review of his Instagram page. My burger, zero complaints, was soft and succulent could’ve easily had another. Camel burger at Greedy Cow is a 10/10 reccommend.
Tuesday was less exciting and the only thing worthy of report was the complete of my online application to Texas, meaning I could finally apply to housing. But wait… it still wasn’t letting me on. Concluded, with some help, that Texas needed to process my application then I tried the next day.
Wednesday was an exciting day. First it was supposed to be my off-day but it was the Welcome Back Fair and an opportunity for the QM Commuters’ Society to gain more support, I was happily obliging to my First Year Rep repsonsibilities. After signing up around 15 new recruits, I had to dash off to an orthodontist appointment but before that I managed to pick up the fresh-off-the-print issue of The Print (university newspaper). I was buzzing, first time I had 3 articles in there. One for societies, one for sport and one for the comment section. Safe to say, I am heading in the right direction in my journalism career and I’m so grateful for all the support and opportunities given to me so far. So thank you, if anyone actually reads this!
In addition, on Wednesday after a $50 hole in my bank account and contact details given to UT Austin, I finally completed my housing application. Meaning, I can worry less about study abroad for now and more on uni work and journalism.
Thursday, was just the icing on the journalism cake. I received an email confirming that I was able to write for a national magazine in Pakistan. I was more than excited to take on the task. Preparations will start in the next week to produce my best quality work of my life. Two articles are in the pipeline and I’m determined to get it right and show my worth. With another three articles for The Print expected for next month’s issue, who knows where all of this will take me? I have no idea but I tell you what, I’m more than ready to see.
Friday was mysterious, if you’re a QM student, you might know about Mucci’s, a group of my friends decided to investigate the mysterious cafe. As expected, it’s Italian food, it’s not too pricey but it’s unfortunately like one of those restaurants you walk past on the street, peer in to see how many people are inside and then walk-by when you see one lonely customer.
So that was pretty much it, I’m sure I’ve forgotten something important. But what you going to do? I should really write down what happens, I say I will and then never do. Love dragging out points on this blog that have no relevance, I’ll end now.
Till next week
I’m out