Define Golf…
This has been the first time in the history of the blog where I have struggled to come up with a witty title about my week. Even last week when I was throwing up the whole solar system, there was some ounce of creativity. This week’s title is purely an accident as a result of events on the weekend.
I thought that everyone has dull weeks, I’ve had two in a row. Nothing much happened, well… something probably did happen but I can’t quite recall it. Nothing new there. At least you know you’re in the right place, I suppose.
Just trying to rack my brain for any funny moments… nope, let’s get on with this shocker of a week (entertainment wise anyway).
Today was a day of catch-ups, I had dearly missed all my friends during reading week. I was so enthusiastic I turned up to university about 3 hours earlier than I had to. Not by my own fault though. I thought I had a tutorial at 11, but apparently Week 8 completely skips this formality. Oh well… to make it worse, before I left the house, I cleverly forgot to look outside to see it was thunderstorms. So I wore my Nike shoes, which, let me tell you; retain water better than any container you could ever imagine. It is unreal how water-resistant these show aren’t. They’ll tell you that the shoes are water-resistant to draw you in, but when your socks are soggier than the sandwich your mum made for you in school that you left at the bottom of your bag, you know you are having issues.
I met up with a friend that I should see more often, it’s incredible, walking through campus, how many people you know. It’s such a great little community, everyone is so friendly. After my wonderful encounter with that friend, I skipped across the hall and met up with the three besties at uni. I steal their accommodation from time to time, but I buy them sweets, so I don’t think they mind too much. Great to see them after a week, you don’t realise how much you miss some people until you can’t see them for even a week. We even played some more balloon tennis. One benefit of having two birthdays in the space of a fortnight of each other.
The week before was all about assignments, today marked the end of another one. I finally finished the two week workload today, it was all strategic planning as I’ll explain for Wednesday’s events.
I went to a lecture on the theories and concepts of feminism, it’s not all about females as the name suggests. Gender equality is the name of the game. Can’t say I needed a 2 hour rendition of feminism, maybe just the one hour next time will do.
Today was a rest day, I won’t be getting many of those in the near future. I just sat at home watching Netflix and enjoying life. It was the first day in a long time, I truly felt that I had relaxed. Can’t say the next day for that happening is on the horizon, but we’ll see, eh?
I had work from 5–9. Standard Wednesday there. I actually quite enjoy that shift, the diligence of manual labour work and the thought of completion is quite relishing. A time, where you can focus solely on your work and nothing else. Quite therapeutic.
Thursday was a busy day. Constantly busy, which I like. I met up with someone who is very passionate about their course and their hobby. I truly respect people who follow what they are passionate about, it’s something I strive to do everyday. This person is into space stuff (that’s the technical word, I assure you), they take brilliant photos of the night sky. Since I’ve seen the images, I have been looking at the night sky on my walk home from the train station. Brilliant stuff. I look forward to spending more time with them in the future.
After lunch, I took a walk round Mile End Park, over the Garden Bridge with one of my closest friends. It was enjoyable just to forget about all the worries we had at uni and just take a stroll. Reminds me of last year around exam time. Taking a walk just to clear your head can do wonders for the stress that exams often implicate on the brain.
The only important factor from Friday to mention was the complexity of the 9am we had. It was straight up Physics. We were all lost. All I learnt was what a northing and a easting was. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to work out, one refers to northward direction and the other east. Apart from that, pretty… oh wait. The commute. I don’t often complain about these things. You can get daily updates on my Instagram and Snapchat stories, if you’re really interested. I know my followers love it. Sarcasm is a b*tch.
There was a signal failure at London Bridge in the morning. The train driver had to tell a train-load of people that he was terminating at Lewisham. Joyfully, I could take the DLR from Lewisham to Bow Road, and then walk the rest to campus. The journey took a total of 1 hour 30 mins and the same on the way back as the issue still wasn’t clear. Both ways on the DLR it was 16 stops. But even more depressing, on the way back I went from Bank to Lewisham, which if you are unfamiliar with London’s Tube network, is from one termination point to another. Terrible.
This day was just full of work and journalism commitments, standard Saturday.
Today was fun. I learned today that I can play golf again. I played for Rochester and Cobham Park Golf Club against Kent Boys. It was an enjoyable game (not just because I won), but the company was sublime. I knew the lads I was playing from a few years back. Was great to have a chilled game and no expectations. I played and struck the ball really well, but my putting was insane, holing putts from silly distances.
I couldn’t tell you if this season will replicate the likes of 2015, where I won everything I looked at. But the aim is to be of a reasonable standard by the time I go to Texas hopefully by dropping two or three shots.
That’s it for this week. Hoping for more exciting things next week. I’ll throw a banana split prank in there if worst comes to worst.
I’m out