ESS: Everyone Starts Somewhere
Today is a hybrid of different things. I want to talk about why I do a daily blog and discuss a everyday paradox that’s forgotten during our hardest moments.
Everyday, I will attempt to create a professional, articulate, hilarious and modern take on my day of thought or action. Inspired by Casey Neistat who created a vlog everyday for 450 straight days. I will call it: 365MeThoughts
To find the acronyms that are at the top, go to my Instagram pageeveryday and see what the images are and see if you can figure it out…
Today was a nothing day. University gives me Tuesday and Wednesday with no lectures. It’s a hard adjustment from the rigorous scheme employed in America. But I’m still here trying to create content, everyday. And that’s what I want to talk about for a second.
Some people have jokingly mocked me for writing a daily blog. I have had people laugh at me in the past, those times I stopped what I was doing. Now I just continue and put it in their faces even more. I read a quote on another Medium article:
“Be so good that they can’t ignore you”
I think that really encapsulates what I’m doing with this blog. It’s not about what I do everyday as much as it is an opportunity to share my perception about the world. It might be different to yours. It might give you a new way to see your life. It might be the same but alas I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere.
The last 19 days, I have generated 412 views from just posting the pictures from this blog on my Instagram (generating between 50–110 likes per post), where an average of 25 people read each blog. I occasionally promoted on my Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat story but most traffic was derived from Instagram. Why would I stop?
This is slow growth, I have a lot of philosophies to share. This is only the first 19 days.
I have been asked: what will you write about if you have a boring day?
The answer is that, as those close to me know, I always have ideas about the world and support or challenge them using the world around me. I hardly spend a whole day indoors and if there is a blizzard outside then I usually spend a lot of time looking through the window pane.
I’m always thinking, analysing and creating mini-stories in my head. The purpose of this blog is to show my life through these mini-stories. Maintaining and growing an audience that are interested.
Like I said, today was a nothing day. I was struggling to think of a creative way to present my day.
I realised that growth requires failure. Most people hide away from discussing or sharing their failures. I’ll admit one of mine was returning to the UK without a stable job or enough writing contracts. I’m bored, struggling and I suppose I’m starting to put a lot of pressure on myself to get a job and keep busy.
As I apply to miscellaneous positions, get limited replies and yearn for that interview email and sit tight. It strikes me that everyone has to start somewhere.
This very notion was encapsulated today. I was driving home from Ashford when myself and the driver behind me made a bad decision and if we had continued on our path, would’ve blocked an intersection. The driver behind me took action and overtook me, I followed him and we took an forced diversion.
The car in front of me was a bright orange Lamborghini, the height of which was half of my car. It was brilliantly aerodynamic and had a private number plate. I drove behind the Lamborghini for about 3.5 miles before I turn into my road.
This story becomes laughable when we both drove down a road and got stuck behind a learner driver. I was there exactly 3 years ago. Trying to stay out everyone’s way but still ecstatic to be driving a car. I remember observing my rear-view mirror from time-to-time and seeing a car awfully close to my back bumper that I could provide an in-depth recollection of their complexion.
Imagine seeing a Lamborghini in your rear mirror. I laughed to myself and realised that we all must start somewhere. It was quite extraordinary to see someone learning to drive and someone who had reached the epitome of success in terms of cars together.
While we all go on our separate paths, we share the same air, eat food from similar locations and share space. One person may be richer than another but everyone has a place. Even on the road.
Saying this, I remember having anxiety of taking a business professional’s seat on the early morning train. I’m only going to attend university. They probably have a more stressful day than me planned, the least I can do is let them sit. I don’t get up but the guilt builds up. This is the same thing. I had a right to sit down, I bought a ticket. I had a purpose.
Next time you feel someone is less worthy than you, in a worse position than you and you feel the need to ridicule them for your own personal gain. Remember you were there once.
Everyone Starts Somewhere.