First Quarter — Transformative
Three months of 2018 have passed. The ‘new year, new me’ promises have been tested. Personally, looking back on it all, I wouldn’t change a thing.
A cry from the man (boy) pictured for a light-hearted blog, well here it is.
I don’t think I expected to have as much fun as I have done this past three months.
It’s been pretty transformative.
I’ll explain why.
Why the change from the usual monotonous crap?
- My life is not just me. There are others too that I try and appreciate as much as possible.
- I’ve been indoors recently rotting away, I want to think about positive experiences and the best way to do that is through writing about past ones.
I was going to write about how I changed my mind repeatedly today and how that’s a bad habit. Positive habit building rhetoric for me even is getting boring to write about. Every. Single. Day.
Here’s a fresh scoop on what the blog should be.
The first full month back at home. Study abroad had changed my norms and thrown me out of my depth.
I had to make new friends and adjust to a new education system as well as way of life.
January was a month of re-adjustment.
I said goodbye to my car. It was my first car. It never broke down, somehow. It was a strange transition, it must be said.
I came back to no job. No form of income. Something I wasn’t used to for the last three years. I was even earning in America. Now, nothing.
That was a shock for me. I tirelessly applied for jobs whilst trying to enjoy the sanctuary of being at home. My London home.
Despite all that hassle, I enjoyed the company of old friends and made some new ones too. Notably — Roya, Kaylie and Keri.
I missed my friends in Austin. I saw them everyday. It wasn’t the same routine and it was weird to have my old friends back in my life. As weird as that sounds.
I returned to Drapers after an extended period. Cycled round London. Drove round London and attended a birthday party too.
I entered an article to a Cambridge University competition and received awful feedback.
It was a great month in some ways. In others it was a hard adjustment. Much harder than I could have ever managed.
Surrounded by great friends however made all the difference.
I got a job. After many applications. I landed an internship. A temporary job. But I would later find out that it worked perfectly for my summer plans and aspirations.
The shortest month of the year wasn’t short on excitement.
Towards the end of the month, it snowed.
The wintry weather hasn’t let up since. It’s been horrible.
I booked my holiday to Budapest with Alex which is now only 10 days away.
I went out clubbing again.
I went to the Sky Garden with Roya and George.
I embraced my new surroundings at Canary Wharf meeting up with old friend Alejandro.
I gave my speech at the Festival of Geography, opening up old wounds and getting closure.
I met people that changed my outlook. They gave me a sense of inner belief. Something I had struggled with for many years. I started to see value in myself. Not just others seeing value in me.
Blame them for all the deep blog thereafter.
I was coming into my own.
A month that was sandwiched between two opposing months.
Emotional strong (relatively) in January to a blubbery March.
A hard month emotionally, as mentioned above.
A lot of self-doubt.
A lot of sitting indoors pondering things.
Weather was terrible, I mean I could just stop there.
I started the gym though. That’s one positive.
Another was Mother’s Day.
I guess another was becoming Geography Society President
First conference for my new company.
The list goes on and on.
I don’t know why I was suffering so much.
These positives were few and far between. I don’t quite see now, writing this, where my emotional shortcomings were.
I just remember a month of re-computing.
My uncle’s death didn’t help matters of course, but that wasn’t the start.
I guess I’ll never know until I re-read the blogs.
That’s the end of the review. It’s basic. It’s comprehensive.
Now, a quick word of the people I’m proud of most. Apart from my parents whom always have my unconditional love.
He’s been through a lot as of late.
It’s not been the happiest times.
Something he’ll grow from and learn to live with, I’m sure.
He’s got a good month in July coming up, some relevant experience in the field he wants to pursue after university.
I know it’s hard right now pal but it’ll get better soon.
Months after he came out to me, he’s now happy and in a relationship.
It’s been a long time coming. A lot of hard conversations and trying to aid him through the process.
The true smile is back.
Couldn’t be happier for him.
That’s about it for today.
Thanks for enduring another rendition.
I wonder if the next nine months will bring as much joy.
I have no doubt they will.