In the blink of an eye, it can all change.
Everything that seems to matter now can be swept away.
One moment to change all moments.
The dramatics are not for show, they represent a real risk when we step outside everyday.
It relates to my obsession with agency. You really have no control over the day.
And because of that, we’re all risk takers by getting out of bed.
That’s important. Not for today, but for the down days.
Just like that, it could all disappear.
And not matter anymore.
Powerful but scary, I know.
Today I saw this in front of my eyes, while still driving the death machine that was a casualty of the travesty.
The car ride today was somewhat unexpected.
I learned that I can handle high levels of stress, while still performing activities safely and efficiently.
It shows real courage. Something I have definitely exercised in the last few days.
This courage is building. It’s really only 30% there, and I’m aiming for a solid 75% capacity.
That’s because I know I’m not perfect.
I make mistakes. But I’m trying to take ownership when I can.
When I’m not dumb enough to forget.
Because even then, we’re vulnerable.
Stay safe.