Hello… are you there?
My name is Danial Naqvi and I’m the Raj of India, you should be blessed at my presence… imagine if that was actually the case. My name is Danial Naqvi and being the Raj of India is on my bucket list, not quite there yet though. Why am I here might you ask? Well… I’m going to attempt a daily blog (yes it may turn to a rant sometimes, apologies in advance). No, my life isn’t worldly and magnificent that I just can’t keep it to myself but I do want to be a journalist later in life and such platform was recommended to me by my university tutor.
Yes my university tutor, I currently study at Queen Mary University of London reading for a degree in Human Geography in my first year. I must sound so old-fashioned by saying “reading”, but it is the unfortunate truth that I spend most of my free time catching up on the countless readings. Sometimes contemplate the purpose of paying £9000/ year to read, but ho hum that’s life.
What in my life could interest an audience everyday is a question I’ve asked myself. Well… unlike most sane people I don’t live in residence halls. I actually live in a suburb of London so I’m one of those fortunate souls to commute to university. So I might complain about that, or shove a few interesting events your way. Otherwise, university is still a new experience and something new happens all-the-time. Additionally, play golf when I get the time, played to a semi-decent level and will play much more during the summer.
I am taking inspiration from the YouTube vlogging sensation Casey Neistat for these blogs as an opportunity and challenge to create new content everyday that is interesting and enticing despite how menial the day turns out.
Each post will have a count of how many posts I have done and a count of how many posts in a row, some circumstances mean that I can’t post everyday so I will try to make a note of all of that.
Hope to see you all in my first blog post!
I’m out!