ICS: I Chat Sh*t
I definitely speak too much. Probably why I enjoyed those speeches so much. I know it’s hard to handle sometimes, but one day I’ll have some value to add.
I can imagine someone with authority saying to me one day:
‘You talk a lot for someone who doesn’t know a lot’
It’s true. I talk a lot. I know I do.
But whilst there is no hiding it… I also try to be a good listener. That balance is key to empathy and understanding others.
I’ve been better in recent times to admit when I don’t know what I’m talking about.
I’ve stopped giving advice on other people’s lives based on my experiences. Everyone is different. I can only share my personal situation and hope that resonates in some regard. If I lend any sort of recommendation, it’s without value judgement. It’s harder than it sounds but it’s been helpful to cut between the truth and my filtered reality.
Sometimes I say things of value. Mostly as a result of binge watching documentaries or interesting facts I learned from others. It’s the little things that no-one ever remembers that seem to remain fixed in my brain.
Bare in mind I’m specifically referring to spoken word here. My writing is another story. I don’t think it’s distinguishable between the bullsh*t and the truth sometimes, especially when it comes to university work.
I suppose I’m using ‘truth’ loosely in this blog. I have never believed that truth is universal. It’s something that each person develops through their own experiences. One’s truth about a series of events may differ to another. The ability to fabricate the truth is also something that bothers me.
That’s probably why I’m interested in social work and policy. The MExU Project would help to alleviate some of the problems that we see in those realms. Progress is being made in this department.
It’s the 1st March today, the third month of this year. My mood starts not too happy but not too sad.
A form of balance you could say. I understand my limits and know that my life will not be continuous. I know that people will come and go. I know I chat sh*t on more than one occasion, it’s part of my character. It’s often complimented with sarcasm.
When I think about this, I remember to when I was younger and was given all the attention in the world. I probably didn’t use it effectively, talking about known facts and figures. But now I think about it, I never would be where I am now if it weren’t for a lot of things that I spoke and wrote about in previous years.
Let me take you back to 2008. My cousin Sadia is getting married in a triple wedding alongside cousins Asad and Sajjad. I was 10 years younger. My handwriting awful and so please excuse my penmanship. Above is an example of a wedding poem I wrote for my cousins. There are some words referring to Pakistani weddings, so I don’t blame you if you struggle to understand. Most of it doesn’t make sense except so creative rhymes that I’m still proud of to this day.
It was a long time ago but I’m so glad that Sadia found it.
It’s arguable whether my writing has got any better since.
I’ll leave that up to you to decide…