Let Them Speak
Hastiness gets us nowhere. We disrupt relationships just to make a point which usually adds no value. We all believe in something but let them speak.
‘Some people get caught up in an idea that even when there is evidence to suggest their idea may not be that good, they won’t believe it’. — @kevfromshittofit (Instagram)
Debate on political issues fuel anger and hatred instead of promoting resolutions.
New ideas condemned for lack of evidence and called conspiracy theories.
Everyone has an opinion.
But before you make any judgements, hear them out and give them time to explain themselves.
Not everyone can explain succinctly and flawlessly under pressure, and if they could, you’d ask for their public speaking CV or ask them how long it took to memorise.
Planet Earth and all its inhabitants have a problem.
A huge one.
We don’t listen to each other.
We blame other parties for our own problems.
We criticise the procedure with reference only to the outcome.
We look at the world too simply.
The world — just like supply chains, relationships and emotions are complex and intricate.
Recently I’ve spoken to both companies and consumers on sustainability issues and the knowledge gap. Actually forget the knowledge gap… the appreciation and empathetic gap is incredible.
We don’t care enough to take action on being empathetic.
That’s why we hate our fellow commuters. Instead of commending everyone on that train for making it here.
Despite all the struggles in one’s life, on a train, we are all one in the same.
We all have similar categorical problems, but in the limelight, we appear to have conforming beliefs.
Condemning the outspoken ones is a protection method.
It’s easier to conform than to stand-out.
Relatedly, the appreciation for another point of view is low.
We don’t want to know, not because we don’t care but because we assume the other party doesn’t care for our opinion.
‘If we can’t influence them — there’s no point.”
If you don’t speak up, you’re as useful as the Tom, Dick and Harry analogy.
As a foreigner in a seemingly-similar land, I presented my now ‘failed’ project to a class of intelligent, educated and influential individuals.
I worked on this project with two others for two months.
Generation UN gave me a platform to speak up.
Something they provided for others too throughout the semester.
Similar to Model UN — everyone has the equal voice, and everyone’s opinion has value.
There is little argument but a tonne of controversial interrogation and friendly prodding for the real answers.
I think everyone is accountable for their views and if you feel so strongly about your opinion — you should be open to criticism.
In the same vein, you should also have the courage to disagree with someone and have the respect to listen and learn.
Openness to learn and divulge will be the only tools to a better future in all fields.
We’re not all bad people — we all breathe the same air and deserve the same respect.
Let them speak.