Had a change of an office this week. More on that in this issue of the blog.
Let’s start with some pleasantries, because I want to welcome you all to this edition. Hope you are all well and loving life, because I am. I’ve got about 48 minutes of freedom left, don’t worry it’s not that dramatic, but I’ll explain all.
I’ve heard some suspect reports that people identify me through this blog. Seems weird and surreal and almost a bit embarrassing. Sometimes I wonder if these blogs get a bit menial to read and that they are not as well received as one might want.
Nevertheless, I will write continuous garbage until such time where I get bored of my own dribble.
As you can see by the title, I visited the (wonderful) Northern city of Liverpool. The parentheses are to add a bit of subjective commenting and allow you to think what you like. If you were there with me, you’ll know what I mean. More on that to come on the day-by-day run through.
Why is this my last day of freedom? Well… exams start on the 4th May and I have an exact month to get preparations completed. So yeh… tasting the last drops of freedom per se.
As it is said on Drama Alert’s channel on YouTube. Let’s get riiiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhttttt into the news!
I actually remember this day quite well. I woke up at 6am and prepared to get a 9:07 train from London Euston with my university to Liverpool Lime Street
I’ll try and keep everyday in Liverpool brief and only include the interesting bits… ‘I’ll try’ being the operative words.
While I was on the train, I witnessed something I didn’t think was possible. University students are notorious for liking an alcoholic beverage from time to time. Do you remember the time I said the train was? Some of the people on my course decided to crack open a four-pack of carling and have a little pre-Liverpool session at 9:30am. Some people, eh? Think I’ll stick to my one-of-my-five-a-day citrus beverage. Orange Juice all the way.
Additionally, I was so tired on the train, I decided to take a nap. Not realising that the way I was sitting lent myself to almost breaking my neck when I woke up. I had to surgically readjust my head without fracturing anything. Quite perilous indeed.
When we got to Liverpool we checked into the EuroHostel and chilled, followed by a 4 hour walk round the docks of Liverpool. Was interesting, not particularly fun, but interesting.
That’s pretty much it, well hey… at least I remember it this time. That’s a record. The ceremony for the Danial Naqvi blog awards will be held soon…
I woke up equally as early for a 8am breakfast, 7:15 to be precise. My roommates for the trip were very fun and I commend a large part of my enjoyment to their company. So thank you to them for constant laughter and endless intellectual conversations that kept me mentally stable throughout some of the boredom.
We went to Anfield to see the deprivation around the area. Didn’t go inside. They must know I’m a Chelsea fan and still be sour about Gerrard’s “slip” two years ago. I know a sore spot, but cmon it’s time to move on, don’t you think?
Nevertheless, a pretty boring day again. Although the people I was with in the afternoon decided to ditch me and so I was found by another group and earmarked as a lost puppy for the rest of the trip. Choose your friends wisely. I know for next time…
Two of my roommates and I went down to the Cavern Club, a notoriously famous spot for Beatles fans. Despite spending the best part of ten minutes inside, was nice to see a part of history so engrained in the British Music industry. To be honest, went for the pictures and left. Done and dusted.
A day of museums and Chinatown. Can’t say much happened today neither.
Perhaps, the karaoke session in the Museum of Liverpool will go down in some sort of humorous history. One of my friends stole the stage and made us all sing along. Just some university students, miles away from home, living in the moment. Absolute class.
Although, my friend told me, that on the way to Tesco I was hurled some sort of abuse
Ended up in Wetherspoons and after one pint of orange juice, my life decisions were becoming hazy. Time to hit the hay.
Yay, the day we leave. This day wasn’t actually that bad. Went to the home of Unilever, where it all started in Port Sunlight in the Wirral. Quite nice sitting in the only pub in the whole village having a chat. Was enjoyable, I must say.
Got on the train home and attempted to write something about Liverpool to put on here for your mid-weekly dose of crap that some of you find interesting. Unfortunately Liverpool didn’t inspire me. But I know why. It’s actually very strange. Liverpool as a whole was deprived, much more deprived that what most of the students on that trip were used to. For me, I was used to it, just on a much larger scale. Mile End for example, is very similar to much of central Liverpool. It looks the same. But fair enough, most people have only seen Mile End for about 7 months. When I used to live in Plumstead, Greenwich for the first 10 years of my life. It was like Liverpool. So I know why I couldn’t write anything and the reason that the words I wrote are in a document called “Pointless Crap”, because I wasn’t exposed to anything new. It is all familiar. Just simply a reminder. I’m hoping soon I can re-evaluate and draw some useful conclusion that I can write about. But in the immediate future, I can’t see much coming from that trip.
Netflix and chill for one was the only dish on the menu.
It was delicious.
I went to university for a few reasons. Wanted to see some people before they left to spend the Easter break with their families. Needed to return a book. Needed to activate my new £270 travelcard and finish a GIS report. All were successfully accomplished.
Not the most productive day, but was good to get out the house.
Did some work in the morning and managed to sneak out for my first 18 holes since I played that Kent match, I don’t even want to think how long ago.
Played with my dad which was great, first time in a long time. I played well and am excited to play more, especially with exams coming up. I know how much a spot of golf helps with the stress.
After a toffee cake slice and a posh orange juice, I headed home and here I am.
I’m going to finish the blog on time for once. Well I did last week, only because I had to catch that early train.
I’m going to leave you with a thought.
I say today is the last day of freedom, I say that because I understand the meaning of sacrifice. Yet I say I’m going to play more golf. That’s because I know my limits.
In life, there’s a difference between those people who enjoy the stressful times and live off the adrenaline and there are others who are scared of the stress and curl up into a ball and cry. I’m somewhere in between. Thinking more optimistically for myself is a certain goal of mine.
By the end of these next 30 days, I will have transformed. I know I will. With a great summer planned full of family, friends, writing, work and golf; 30 days seems inconsequential.
Good luck in your preparations if you have exams coming up. And well good luck with any decisions you make. Take the time to appreciate that they are a big deal and then don’t stress when you get the result, because you offered the respect to understand the severity of the issue at hand.
Till next week.
I’m out.