MTWL: Make The World Listen
Today was a bad day. Demotivated. Unenthusiastic. Even lazy. This is how I describe my day. However, I now know my life purpose and ultimate goal.
I want, no actually —I need the best story to be told about my life.
I don’t care if it’s one of failure or success, but I need a story to be told that makes future generations proud to be related to me.
I have heard stories about people’s parents and grandparents, especially migrants. The struggles they endured for a better life. They are so fascinating to me. They propel me to re-evaluate my own life. Set new goals and cut the excess from my life.
Right now, in the grand scheme of things, my story is as normal as could be. I haven’t done anything that warrants being remembered.
I must make clear that I don’t want to be globally-renowned. I just want my children and grandchildren to know that I tried my hardest to be the most innovative and motivational millennial. With the hope that motivates them to do the same.
Where did this come from? Let’s rewind a little…
Today was a bad day.
Unproductive. Useless.
I had deep thoughts today. I thought a lot more than I did. I sat at my desk pondering over the mountain of work that I had been assigned.
I thought about myself. I started to regret some life choices. I didn’t know what to think nor what to believe. My purpose, drive and ambition for the first half of the day was lost. I didn’t know who I was.
I rarely write how I feel on paper. I write on this blog instead. But I was at work and couldn’t unleash the blog so I took to pen and paper.
If you can’t read this, I’ll spell out the contents below:
- I feel demotivated
- I feel numb
- I worry about my future because it seems so unclear
- Do I want to do logistics, law, journalism, thought leadership?
- Do I have to decide now?
- Right now I should be working and focusing on work for my internship
- I feel like I’ve compromised friendships for career path
- I don’t know how to feel
- I don’t know if I can continue like this..
After writing this I paused. Look to the ceiling and my mind was clear. The questions remain unanswered but I was able to focus on my work.
As I strolled around Canary Wharf at lunch, I realised why I had a shock factor this morning. I am scared that my story is too loose and boring. My uncle is inspirational, my dad the same as well as my mum. All have achieved in their respective fields and I don’t even know what field I belong.
I’m not saying that I want to go through struggles and make hard decisions that could alter the path of my life. I’m saying that internships, jobs here and there are small in comparison to the trajectory of my life.
Could I have spared the internship to focus more on university or friendships? Probably.
But maybe I wouldn’t be shaping my future in the correct way.
‘The correct way’. As if there’s a correct way to do things.
I was watching a Colin and Samir YouTube video today about Samir going to the town where his dad grew up. A small town in India where he was remembered after not returning for so long. He made a life for himself elsewhere and from the emotion that Samir portrayed, his dad is someone who can go to his real home and heritage with his head held high.
Will I be able to return to Plumstead with the same sentiment? Or Karachi? This is the reason for this outcry.
Every time I face adversity I snap out of it eventually. It takes longer when I am juggling deeper questions however today I think I’ve cracked it.
Everything I do in life is the process to a better life. This is well-established in my blogs. But what is this better life? What does it look like? For me, extreme wealth is not a desire. But recognition for being the best human I could be is at the top of the list.
Making a worldly impact is hard. Making one that lasts a long time is even harder.
So I suppose if I could leave you with one thing, just know that I’m going to:
“be so good they can’t ignore me”