NART: Never A Right Time
Time is a concept I talk about a lot. It’s duration or a lack of in some cases. I don’t talk about ‘right place, right time’. Maybe I should? It’s relevant today.
I have countless thoughts at the top of my backswing.
That little white ball has to be struck more than 180 yards into a cold breeze.
I had the wrong club, I thought.
I’ll take the ground before the ball, I pondered.
I haven’t played golf in six weeks, I blamed.
At the end of the day, it was going to take less than a second to return to the surface and strike the ball.
There was no time to have doubts.
I was already committed. I could’ve stopped at this point. Sure. I’ve done it before.
That would psych me out even more. The resulting shot would be worse.
That’s thirteen years experience talking.
There’s never a right time to do something. Sometimes it’s just necessary. The urge gets too much. I felt better after I hit that shot despite the doubts. It landed five feet from the pin.
Those doubts could’ve stopped that result.
I’ve learned to push through the doubts and do things that scare me or make me feel doubtful.
Onto today.
Today I feel better.
Still not great.
Kind of deflated but I mean improvement is good.
I’ve been told I see a positive in everything but it’s natural and I think it resonates in my past.
It might also be a coping mechanism.
I don’t know.
Anyway. Today was better productivity wise.
I did a lot more work. I worked smarter and more strategically.
There was less noise and I was tunnel vision-like for the majority of the day.
Time went quickly. Before I knew it, it was time for my afternoon meeting with my boss.
Ideas bounced back and forward and I was confident I voiced my opinions. Challenging him by asking him the same questions he asked me.
The chance to debate with a superior comes little too often. I took it as an opportunity to have my voice heard.
When work was over, my brain switched off.
I stopped worrying about the report I was writing and focused more on my life and life plans.
I’m someone who loves to display the process.
Both good and bad.
While I can compose a story today, the ambition and creative aspect of my life is very much subdued.
I have a conversation with Alex Ayin, a part of Social Chain. I spoke to him about my projects and the crossroads I feel I’m at with my personal brand.
I didn’t think I’d ever have the chance to speak to someone so involved with the mechanics of social media.
I took the opportunity while it was there.
I wasn’t in the greatest state of mind to be passionate but I tried my best and I think he felt my message.
I did some other things today that I have been holding back for a while.
Such as chasing emails for worry that I’d annoy the recepient.
Something so small and insignificant but useful because I got some answers to questions. I am able to move forward with thinking on those areas.
Whilst I wasn’t in the best mindset, I try and remain as mature as I try and hold myself to be.
An elderly woman was looking for directions while on the tube. A lady tried to assist but to no avail.
I contemplated for a second leaving the elderly woman to her own devices but I stepped in and helped her find her way.
Good thing too.
She needed to get from Mile End to West Croydon. Not an ideal journey if you have no idea how to get back.
I feel good about today.
Some people that saw or met me probably would think otherwise.
I looked determined.
I always do and sometimes that means I’m not relaxed.
I’m tense because I’m thinking.
I think the fact we as humans try to perfect the time we do things is an excuse to pass it off for a certain amount of time.
I’ve done things in different environments. Put myself in situations where I was very vulnerable.
This is why I love the vulnerability. It makes you feel very sure of yourself in the immediate conclusion.
The time you stop being vulnerability for that event makes you appreciate yourself a lot more.
I guess there will never be a right time for me or you.
I guess we’ll just have to wait for that time to come round.
I guess I’ll just live a boring life waiting.
That’s what you could say.
Here’s what I say.
Make opportunities happen.
Meet and embrace people who can help you.
Make the right time now, better now than later.