OOB: Out Of Breath
Back on the grind. Back to being busy. Back to ‘normal’. Running round like a headless chicken today has made me realise something. Here it is.
As I struggle to lift 27.5kg of weight above my head, I make progress towards my gym goals.
Sunday, I realised the importance of responsibility.
Today, I acted on responsibility like there was no tomorrow.
I went to the gym today too. I love going. It gives me a sense of purpose and duty to stay true to myself.
It’s not about getting the perfect body. It’s about developing a habit.
It’s about training myself to keep up and finish what I started.
Concurrently, the task for today followed a similar narrative.
The discourse of the day — make intentions clear for the QMGS.
Being elected President, under the family circumstances, was a neutral reaction.
I have a lot of ideas which I want to implement.
I have made the committee members aware about the commitment with no strings attached — the ability to say ‘I can’t’ and feel protected that there won’t be any backlash, I think will reassure the team.
I did a lot today before I had breakfast.
Gym. Tiring and tough. Rewarding and fulfilling.
Haircut. A weight off the top of my head. Feel less congested and flustered. Less time spent managing the train wreck in the mornings too.
After breakfast, I headed to university and smiled at anyone who looked at me.
I was trying to appear positive in light of what I hoped would be a productive day.
I’ve been told there is two types of busy people — the productive and the unproductive.
The productive. They are able to get a lot of tasks done and feel accomplished.
The unproductive. Someone who appears busy but the best task completed is tagging friends in memes.
I fall somewhere in the middle.
Admitting that I like to talk and talk a lot to justify myself is an understatement.
The only way I’m the former out of the two is if I’m alone for ‘alone’ work.
Otherwise I’ll talk for hours and no work will be done.
Today I had meetings. I wanted to align some of the new QMGS members in order to make sure we’re all on the same page.
Between that I unexpectedly met up with Kaylie, had lunch and caught up on the weekend affairs.
I did thirty minutes of work after my final meeting and then met Roya for a catch-up.
I learned a lot about the people who I was going to work alongside.
I hope they learned from me that I only want to best for them. I want them to succeed irrespective of the society’s success.
I have no doubt the QMGS will be in a better position next year than right now. The real task is making sure that each committee member is an improved version of themselves — grateful of the opportunity to be in the committee and glad they put themselves forward.
This is a huge task for me. The first of its kind. The first of many. Leading a team to making sure they reach their full ability.
I realised as I scurried around university today that as valuable as my own career is — it requires others to make it a reality.
The only way to ensure my own accomplishment is to empower others to reach theirs.
I might be out of breath today, but it’s ground work for a brilliant future.