The Choice Dilemma
This story could have differing titles, it covers so much. It’s a problem I’m finding myself in, related to progress and entitlement. The choice dilemma.
‘It’s a good problem to have. The choices and routes are diverse, I still don’t know where my expertise and enjoyment sits.’
As I settle into a routine again, I start to weigh up options looking forward.
The reason I constantly think is that I have the time to do so.
I have idle time sitting or standing on the train.
My day is now 7:30am to 7:00pm (home — home).
I spend 1.5 hours each way on public transport.
There is no space on the train to do anything apart from reading the newspaper or watching Netflix.
The tube is the same.
Most times that gets tedious.
So I think. Ponder.
It leads to the creation of most of these blogs and allows me to be more grateful for my day and what it means in the grand scheme of things.
I’m in a spot of uncertainty.
I have too many options.
It feels almost like I would have been better off with no internships and no experiences.
Now, the fields that I want to go into have no clear correlation.
It would take me to connect the dots and form a new industry.
That takes time and more experience in each field.
Another factor is location.
The UK or the USA.
It adds another spanner in the works.
As it comes to a time where I’ll have to apply for masters or jobs in the coming months, I start to think which path I want to take.
There’s some questions that can be asked:
What do you most enjoy doing?
What do you see as the most sustainable career?
Which path makes you love what you do?
It’s definitely important to stick to one thing once I don’t have university and all this free time as an excuse to diversify.
I think the bigger impact in terms of my personal sustainability and helping others would be in the realm of urban geography.
I must also remember my position.
Despite the fact that a lot of the opportunities I have now have been self-created, my location is a huge impact on the reason I was able to create those opportunities.
London is the epicentre for business, culture and tourism.
If my parents decided to stay in Karachi, who knows what I might be doing now.
Probably wouldn’t be writing this blog for sure.
The reason it’s so difficult is because I enjoy all the things I’ve done.
See them as sustainable careers of the future.
And I think I would love them all.
I’m relatively competent at all of them and see society in a different way to other people in the industry (as per my previous blogs about perspective, I think everyone younger has that advantage).
So begs the question.
I think I will just continue and see what opportunities materialise.
People ask me and I’m really stuck for words.
I need to see how this dissertation goes.
I need to stay in contact with people I meet.
It’s a lot to think about as a twenty year old.
I’m sure the rest of the population goes through, and only a few journal or write openly about it.
This is not a complaint, merely an observation of the situation.
Our generation is severely pressurised to make choices leading to more indecision and stagnation.
It’s a good problem to have.
But sometimes you need to lay it all out. One by one and breathe.
The choice dilemma.