The New First Day
A new location. New skill and new team to get accustomed with. I’m sure that it will be a challenge stretching different capabilities. The new first day.
‘Struggling on the practice tests might (not) mean you will struggle over all. But what’s challenge without adversity.’
A new internship.
Yes, a different one.
I got this one unexpectedly.
I’m working in a new field, far and wide from communications.
I’m working quantitatively.
My job title is Location Planning Intern.
I’m working in mapping technologies at a company based in Hammersmith.
The commute is longer and somewhat awkward after a month of bus, walking or Uber.
I’m used to train and tube travel by now so I’m sure I’ll survive.
I get a seat nearly every time which is an improvement on the Canary Wharf journey.
Today was a whole bunch of HR.
I worked through admin, IT and familiarising myself with internal systems, my surroundings and the team.
Training on the GIS technology starts tomorrow.
I’m fortunate that there is a graduate student starting alongside me, at times we’re equally clueless which I suppose is reassuring.
I was told by my line manager that the leader of the training is the man who assisted me when applying for positions at the company.
I haven’t seen him since January and will good to catch up before he teaches me how to run the software.
I’m somewhat apprehensive about the next couple of days.
My lacklustre experience in ArcGIS aren’t going to cut it.
But I suppose that’s what I’m learning.
I had a call this evening to discuss about a podcast I’ll be on in the next two weeks.
I was excited to share my point of view before we got started.
The topic is blockchain in sustainable fashion.
My angle doesn’t come at it from a particularly civically-engaged mindset, rather one of cooperation than blame.
I don’t know if that’s what they want, but that’s all I know.
I’m sure as I get to know my team more, I’ll be able to lend you to their intricacies.
For now, I look forward to the next six weeks and try and stay open-minded and optimistic.
I’ll remember that asking questions is better than screwing up a project.
Reassuring words.
The new first day.