Work In Progress
For most people, writing a blog everyday and publishing it to the world is their worst nightmare.
For me, it’s nearly natural.
Slowly I’ve shared more, opened up and been honest with myself.
And while I write authoritatively, I write with no obligation to the words.
Another way — I’m learning as I go.
That’s okay, because if you’re really struggling, you’ll know there’s no fix.
Just coping mechanisms, this blog being one of them.
Genuinely, I have no idea what I’m talking about a lot of the time.
I am trying to work it out hence the borderline psychotic rants.
This is my sounding block.
My worst nightmares manifest elsewhere. Today I noted that if I wasn’t able to face my fears, I probably needed to return to professional help.
The fear, in most people’s eyes, is inconsequential.
But it eats me up inside. I’m deeply scared of my insecurities and what they could do to me.
These accentuated fears can impinge on one’s life.
Luckily for me, my fears can be largely avoided by living my normal life as I have done.
It’s through societal pressures and my own overthinking complex.
I faced the fear and it wasn’t so bad.
Although the lead up and short aftermath was horrific.
It’s a lesson.
A lesson in crawling before you can walk.
Walking before you run.
And running before you do a marathon.
A lesson in baby steps.
But most importantly, a lesson in humanity.
Flaws and all.
I’m human, and I learn when I need to not when I’m supposed to; that’s something that we all need to learn.
Baby steps, I’m growing — yay!
Work In Progress